l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
November 15th, 2009 by admin


One minute, ten Wikipedia articles.  The challenge is to identify them from a list of answers.

A good way to do some enjoyable reading practice.

Visit Quizipedia as soon as you have a minute to spare.

November 10th, 2009 by admin

Survey addresses

Procaccino & Morel

Vincent Poutissou et Nicolas Guth

Della Giustina & Leye

Haffsa Boubaz & Hernan Perez

Caroline Monge & Charly Trib

Jesse, Garnier & Beluche

Hollard & Legendre

Remdane & Voisin

Kalde & Vermunt

Kerroum & Gartouchent

Hurault & Zapadka


Page & Guillaume

October 23rd, 2009 by admin

Health & Medical Search Engines

From Health Nation blog, here is a list of 25 useful search engines in the health and medical field : A good variety of links, from the common to the less well-known.

October 16th, 2009 by admin

Magazine idea

You may want to include a short comic strip.  Online tool stripgenerator will help you do just that, even if you can’t draw.



October 5th, 2009 by admin

ESL assistant

Un nouveau site du laboratoire Microsoft Research permet aux personnes dont l’anglais n’est pas la langue maternelle d’améliorer leur maitrise de la langue de Shakespeare.
L’application tente d’identifier les erreurs et propose des corrections.

screenshot courtesy of GHacks.com

screenshot courtesy of GHacks.com

Seul bémol : il faut installer Silverlight pour le faire fonctionner.  ESLassistant.com

September 30th, 2009 by admin

Une collection insolite…

…des meilleurs articles du Wikipédia. Très hétéroclite.

Voici quelques uns dont les titres sont intriguants

  • Coffin ship
  • The man on the Clapham omnibus
  • Egg of Columbus
  • Royal fish
  • Boot monument
  • Category: engineering failures
  • List of lost works
  • Parsley massacre
  • Motif of harmful sensation
  • Dead cat bounce
  • Category: filmed deaths
  • Honorary whites
  • Category: medical signs

And just in case the list disappears: oddLinksWikipedia (.doc file)

September 28th, 2009 by admin

Proposition de traduction

Cantharides, or Spanish fly. In powdered form ingesting it leads to inflammation of the urinary tract and congestion of the penis, sometimes causing a prolonged erection. It is highly toxic and taking it may lead to renal hemorraging and death.

Yohimbine, a vasodilator produced from the bark of an African tree, increases the blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. However, this substance is toxic in high doses and should be proscribed in cases of liver disease or high blood pressure.

Ginseng, which is a plant found in Asia or North America, is undoubtedly the most famous aphrodisiac in the world, but its effectiveness has never been proved. Ginseng is sometimes mixed with nux vomica which contains strychnine, a stimulant, but an extremely dangerous one.

Mandrake, famous for its phallus-like shape, is the root of a Mediterrnean plant. It actually contains many toxic substances.

Nutmeg stimulates desire, but leads to cramps, and in large doses, intoxication.

Bois Bandé, which comes from a tree in the Caribbean Islands, and whose role as a vasodilator has never been proven, is thought to lead to many side effects.

Rhinoceros horn, used in its powdered form in the far East, has no medical value as the basis to increase sexual appetite.

September 14th, 2009 by admin

Exquisite bodies

This may not be on the internet for long, but there is a new exhibition with some online content from the Wellcome Collection all about the nineteenth century interest in anatomy and medical matters.

Definitely worth a browse.