l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
September 14th, 2009 by admin


2009-09-14_124452Website phrases.net for information, pronunciation and translation of common idioms.

Tabs link to quotes etc.

September 8th, 2009 by admin




Futurs enseignants, voici un document produit par l’UNESCO sur l’enseignement des sciences.

Voici la table des matières :

1.Teaching as a purposeful means to an end
2.Core scientific ideas
3.Deep scientific understanding
4.Complexity of learning
5.Active construction of scientific knowledge
6.Science content and students’ interests
7.Expectations for learning
8.Students’ anxieties and conflicts

Le document n’existe pas encore en français, mais vous pouvez télécharger la version anglaise en cliquant sur l’image, ou bien ici.

September 8th, 2009 by admin

TechPosters & Cheat Sheets links

screen capture of TechPosters site

screen capture of TechPosters site

  1. Techposters hosts pdf files of technical posters for IT.  A useful reference tool.
  2. Don’t be put off by its austere look.  Cheat Sheets is a mine of reference sheets.
September 7th, 2009 by admin

Civil Engineering

Glossaries :

http://www.globalspec.com/reference/32651/203279/Dictionary-of-Civil-Engineering-English-French – online book

http://www.proz.com/translation-glossary-post/English-to-French/6880  – this is an open glossary to which anyone can contribute.

Journals :

The Open Civil Engineering Journal – open access research articles and reviews

Advances in Civil Engineering – not many articles so far, but promising.

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

More journals listed in this directory.

August 30th, 2009 by admin

New TV shows for 2009

More than three quarters of medical students watch US shows like House MD which enters its sixth season this autumn.  But with ER and Grey’s Anatomy ending, what else is there to watch?

Scene from the new show

Scene from the new show Three Rivers

Fortunately, there are some new shows:

Three rivers is about transplant doctors – CBS, Sundays

Hawthorne stars Will Smith’s wife as head nurse – TNT

Royal Pains is ER comedy – USA Network, season 1 just ended

Trauma is about paramedics in San Francisco – NBC, Mondays

Nurse Jackie – Season 1 has just finished

You’ll have to wait to find them on DVD, but you can probably find them on one of the many streaming sites.  What better way to improve your English?

August 30th, 2009 by admin

Medical links

Three URLs for your bookmarks:

Bilingual dictionary from the Université de Bourgogne

Don’t be put off by the presentation at this site with links to hundreds of resources related to medicine.

If you like to learn by listening to audio files, this site has links to medical and psychology podcasts

If you find any others you think might be useful, let me know and I’ll add a link here.

April 20th, 2009 by admin


Les dernières séances ont lieu :

lundi 20 avril – séance d’expression écrite

lundi 11 mai – présentations orales & “briefing” contrôle

lundi 18 mai – contrôle…

à très bientôt


April 3rd, 2009 by LG


Des nouveaux outils viennent prendre la relève des logiciels de création d’exercices.

Vous les trouverez ici et ici aussi.