l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
October 14th, 2008 by admin

Just 45 seconds : answers

If I took a year off work, I might travel around the world.
If I had more time, I could do some voluntary work for an international charity.
If my job was more exciting, I wouldn’t be so bored all the time.
If I were you, I’d eat less and take more exercise.
If you had as much money as you wanted, what would you do with it?
If you could choose any job in the world, what would you do?
If I had driven more carefully, I wouldn’t have had the accident.
If we hadn’t left so late, we wouldn’t have missed the train.
If you hadn’t been so careless with your camera, you wouldn’t have dropped it.
If I had known how dangerous skiing was, I wouldn’t have done it.
If you had cooked the chicken properly, we wouldn’t have become ill.
If I had worked harder at school, I could have gone to university.
If you hadn’t gone to university, what would you have done instead?
If we had taken a map with us, we wouldn’t have got lost.

October 13th, 2008 by admin

13 Octobre : links

For more examples of the Australian accent you heard today, you can catch the videos to watch or download here.

Have a look at the proverb wiki.

September 3rd, 2008 by admin

C-Test Creator 1.2

I’m currently developing a web browser for language learning which will include, amongst other things, the possibility to create c-tests.

Meanwhile C-Test Creator 1.2 can still be downloaded.  It’s free to use, works on win XP, and maybe that horrid Vista thing too.  I’m told it works on a virtual machine in Mac too.  Maybe I’ll get round to testing it under Wine on Linux as well…

September 3rd, 2008 by admin

My lighter side

visit luxaeternam.free.fr for unrelated stuff