- How much weight should people lose to defeat type 2 diabetes? 15kg
- At what time does dim-light melatonin onset generally begin? 8 pm
- What is becoming more common in the over 50s? HIV infection
- How many countries in Europe have “eliminated” measles? 33
- Researchers in Spain linked atherosclerosis with what? Skipping breakfast
- What has been linked to substance abuse in teenagers? Vegetarian diet in pregnancy
- What percentage of children in the UK are thought to be obese? 10%
- According to one study how should pregnant women not sleep? On their back
- Psilocybin helped 19 patients with what? Depression
- Who should you call in the UK if you are thinking about self-harming? The Samaritans
- Mushrooms make you feel fuller than what according to a US study? Minced beef
- The Daily Mail said there are how many ‘breast cancer genes’? 180
- Loughorough university researchers believe that what might lower the risk of dementia? Marriage
- How do US researchers aim to evaluate the risk of dementia? Blood test in Middle age
- Night-time eating might lead to what? Heart disease
- What type of wounds heal faster? Daytime
- The BBC reported that Scottish researchers have found that what is bad for children? Grandparents
- What might prevent rheumatoid arthritis? Vit D
- How many cups of coffee per day can bring health benefits? 3-4
- What childhood disease has returned to the UK? Scarlet Fever