l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
March 11th, 2010 by admin

L3SPC : Judge Who?

Si vous ne connaissez pas le principe, Youtube regorge de vidéos de cette émission.  En voici un exemple :

March 8th, 2010 by admin

Civil engineering bookmarks

Here are some links to some inspiring constructions :


Various wonders

Amazing constructions


The ‘official’ seven modern wonders from the American society of civil engineers

February 28th, 2010 by admin

PCEM 1er Mars

Voici le lien pour le fichier audio de la séance.

February 16th, 2010 by admin

Master MLES

Today’s documents can be downloaded here :

Presenting slides

Beyond Language

Slide examples

February 16th, 2010 by admin

TeleKast teleprompter

You might find this tool available at sourceforge useful when you start filming.  It will help you with your lines.

February 4th, 2010 by admin

Documentary film Session 4

This  is the video mentioned in your document.

There are many other videos on the theory behind film making, that you can find by searching on Youtube, Dailymotion etc. : useful terms – cinematography, film-making, film theory, shot types, transitions

January 30th, 2010 by admin

Science experiments

A link to 100 of the “coolest science experiments” on Youtube.

January 29th, 2010 by admin

100 best reference sites for science students

A link to 100 sites covering all fields in science.

A site listing niche search engines which are useful for students