l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
September 30th, 2015 by admin

L2 – translation N°1

Voici une proposition de corrigé :

Dark chocolate makes the brain more alert and attentive

A new study shows that eating dark chocolate with 60% cocoa content can stimulate the brain and improve alertness and attention span.

This is great news for chocolate lovers.  A new study published in NeuroRegulation shows that low-sugar dark chocolate can increase the brain’s attention span, and help people get over the afternoon slump.  The analysis, which was partly sponsored by (the) US chocolate company Hershey’s, is the first to examine the effect on the brain, but also the first to use an electroencephalogram to study cognitive ability after eating chocolate.

Larry Stevens, a professor of psychology at the University of Arizona wanted to find out whether people who ate chocolate experienced an immediate stimulant effect. Chocolate has always been recognized as a vasodilator: it dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure in the long term.  But chocolate also contains powerful stimulants.

Useful for those with high blood pressure

In a series of tests, the scientist and his team analysed the brain activity of 122 volunteers aged 18 to 25, asking them to eat dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 60%. The EEG then took images of their brains.  Michelle Montipoli, who was still a student when the study was carried out, ran the EEG test phase which consisted in measuring the sample sizes based on the weight of the participants who were blinded to the study.

The results of the study showed that the brain of those who consume chocolate produced more signs of   vigilance and attention.  Their blood pressure also increased over a short period. “Chocolate is a stimulant and activates the brain in a special way” says Larry Stevens.  “It can increase brain characteristics of attention, and it also significantly affects blood pressure levels.”   When your vision becomes blurred, eat a piece of chocolate!

The advantages of theanine

The most important finding however, was that this chocolate with 60% cacao content contains theanine, an amino acid which is present in green tea, and which acts as a relaxant.  “Theanine is a really fascinating substance which lowers blood pressure and produces what we call alpha waves in the brain that are very calm and peaceful” explains Stevens. “We thought that if chocolate increases very high blood pressure, theanine lowers it, and so perhaps theanine would counteract the short-term hypertensive effects of chocolate.”

Stevens hopes that these results will encourage manufacturers to investigate further and to consider the health benefits of producing a bar of chocolate with high cacao and theanine content.  Millions of patients nationwide suffer from high blood pressure and eating chocolate bars every afternoon could be beneficial.  In this way, their blood pressure could fall to normal levels, and they would be more alert and attentive.





September 24th, 2015 by admin

FASM2 – Article 1

Voici le premier article en version pdf : Cardiovascular & cerebrovascular effects in response to Red Bull…

September 20th, 2015 by admin

FASM1 2015-2016

Choisir un article de recherche clinique (2013-2015) et envoyer le pdf avant 31/10 pour avis

Remettre en mains propres un dossier lors des permanences le 1 avril 2016 (9h-12h) et le 18 avril 2016 (horaires à déterminer) comportant les éléments suivants :

  • L’article imprimé
  • La traduction de l’introduction (ou du début de celle-ci – 250 à 300 mots) de l’anglais vers le français (avec une mise en page sur 2 colonnes de manière à ce que le texte source soit en face du texte cible)
  • Une analyse critique de l’article (en français 1000 mots min, 2000 max)
  • Un glossaire en deux parties:
    1. vocabulaire usuel difficile, traduction anglais-français avec la transcription phonétique en alphabet phonétique international (min 15 mots)
    2. termes techniques ; définitions en anglais (min 15 mots)

Le dossier doit être agrafé ou relié, et ne doit pas être dans une pochette.

September 6th, 2015 by admin

FGSM3 Consignes 2015-2016

Vous préparerez une présentation d’une durée de 7 à 8 minutes sur un sujet médical en vous servant d’un document PowerPoint (ou équivalent) pour illustrer vos propos.  Vous ne devez en aucun cas lire vos notes sous peine de ne pas obtenir la moyenne.

Vous veillerez à éviter les sujets trop généraux. Ainsi, plutôt que de simplement présenter une pathologie, vous vous concentrerez sur un aspect de celle-ci. Il est vital que le contenu scientifique soit suffisamment approfondi.

Vous remettrez à votre enseignant un document en anglais de 5 pages qui comportera

a.       le résumé de votre présentation (250-300 mots)
b.      une à deux pages d’informations complémentaires sur le sujet
c.       un glossaire d’une page, comportant la définition et la prononciation (IPA) des mots-clés de votre sujet
d.      une bibliographie commentée d’une à deux pages.

La version définitive de votre diaporama doit être envoyé à votre enseignant 48 heures minimum avant votre date de passage.  Le document écrit est à remettre en mains propres lors de la dernière séance.

March 6th, 2015 by admin

Proposition d’abstract structuré


Tumor associated antigens (TAAs) have shown potential in the detection of cancers, but low sensitivity hampers their usefulness.  We sought to discover whether an array of TAAs might improve autoantibody detection, and make them a more useful diagnostic tool.


A panel of TAAs, including Imp1, p62, Koc, p53, C-myc, Cyclin B1, Survivin, and p16 full-length recombinant proteins, was used to test sera from 304 cancer patients and 58 normal individuals, by enzyme-linked immunoassay and western blotting.


The frequency of autoantibodies to a single TAA varied according to the type of cancer, yet generally remained below 20%.  Successive addition of TAAs led to a stepwise increase, the degree of which varied between types of cancer, but the combined mini-array of 8 TAAs produced a frequency of between 56.1% and 66.0% for cancers and only 13.8% in serum from healthy individuals.


Our results support the hypothesis that using a combined mini-array can further enhance the immunodiagnosis of cancer based on the detection of anti-TAA antibodies. The design of specific TAA arrays for different types of cancer may lead to better sensitivity rates, and it may even be possible to use such panels for early detection in high-risk individuals.


March 3rd, 2015 by admin

Transparent logo

logo transparent

Cliquer dessus pour voir le logo en grande taille, puis télécharger à l’aide d’un clic droit

March 2nd, 2015 by admin

Varicelle – questions

Voici un document pdf contenant quelques éléments de réponse aux questions sur l’article :

Baxter, Roger, et al. “Long-term effectiveness of varicella vaccine: a 14-year, prospective cohort study.” Pediatrics 131.5 (2013): e1389-e1396.

February 27th, 2015 by admin

Liens Poster

Voici les liens vers les deux documents chez makesign.com :

Grading Your Poster

Periodic table of posters