l.georges online

work 'n' stuff
September 28th, 2016 by admin

L2 Traduction 1 – suggestion de corrigé

Europe to take a second look at the effects of BPA on health

In early 2015 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) posed no risk to consumers’ health.

On April 26th 2016 the EFSA announced that they would review the effects of BPA on the immune system in 2017-2018, to take into account recent studies which had pointed out the risks if this chemical substance for children and fetuses.  Despite calls to prohibit this substance, which is thought to be an endocrine disruptor, and has been banned for use in feeding bottles in Europe since 2011, the EFSA stated that exposure to BPA did not present “any risk for consumer health”.  This decision led to France being out of step, just as they were introducing a blanket ban on all food recipients containing this antioxidant and plasticizer.

Dutch Pressure

However, the EFSA announced on April 26th that they were setting up a “workgroup consisting of international experts, to evaluate new scientific elements regarding the potential effects of BPA on the immune system”. The new data come from a report published by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health, which analyzed two studies on prenatal and perinatal effects of BPS on the immune system.  The report “recommends that research on alternatives to BPA be promoted and that consumers be advised to reduce their exposure,” according to the EFSA. At the request of the Netherlands, the European agency has decided to “specifically examine the toxicity of BPA for the immune system in the light of these new findings.” “The studies had not yet been published” when the EFSA issued its previous evaluation of the risks of BPA, they stated.

At the beginning of 2015, the European agency recommended dividing the safety threshold for human exposure to this substance by twelve.  Nevertheless, real human exposure to BPA, which can notably be found in till receipts is “three to five times lower” than the new threshold, and is regarded as “without danger”, they said.  The agency had identified “doubts about BPA’s potential impact on the health of the mammary gland as well as the reproductive, metabolic neuro-behavioural and immune systems.” These effects, in addition to a possible implication in the development of cancer, “are regarded as unlikely, but cannot be rejected,” they added.  France took a critical view, with the French ecology minister, Segolène Royal, questioning “the influence of lobbies” on the publication by the EFSA, an agency that was founded in 2002 after a series of food scares.



September 20th, 2016 by admin

Prescription abbreviations in English

You can download a list of the abbreviations used in prescriptions at the everypatientsadvocate.com site (opens in a new window).

September 5th, 2016 by admin

FGSM3 année 2016-2017


Vous préparerez une présentation d’une durée de 7 à 8 minutes sur un sujet médical en vous servant d’un document PowerPoint (ou équivalent) pour illustrer vos propos.  Vous ne devez en aucun cas lire vos notes sous peine de ne pas valider l’épreuve.

ATTENTION : Vous veillerez toutefois à éviter les sujets trop généraux. Ainsi, plutôt que de simplement présenter une pathologie, vous vous concentrerez sur un aspect de celle-ci. Il est vital que le contenu scientifique soit suffisamment approfondi.

Vous remettrez à l’enseignant un document en anglais de 3 à 4 pages qui comportera  :

1.     un bref résumé de votre presentation (maximum 250 mots)

2.     un glossaire d’une page, comportant la définition et la prononciation des mots-clés de votre sujet

3.     une bibliographie commentée d’une à deux pages.



April 20th, 2016 by admin

L2 – TV Review preparation

Next week you will be asked to write a review of a pilot episode.  Your work will count towards your final mark for the semester.

Here are some examples of newspaper reviews of pilot episodes to give you an idea of how to approach the exercise.

April 2nd, 2016 by admin

FASM1 – informations

Le dernier délai pour déposer vos dossiers est fixé au lundi 18 avril.  La permanence se tiendra de 8h30 à 12h15.

Les rattrapages auront lieu le 9 ou 10 mai.  Si vous êtes concerné vous serez prévenu par mail au plus tard le 2 ou 3 mai.

March 25th, 2016 by admin

Questions sur l’article

Voici un document contenant des éléments de réponse pour les questions vues cette semaine pour l’article : Jindal et al., “Comparison of short term results of single injection of autologous blood and steroid injection in tennis elbow: a prospective study”,  Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2013, 8:10

March 23rd, 2016 by admin

Critique d’articles

Un article très intéressant sur la p-value : The P-Value is a hoax, and here’s how to fix it.

March 21st, 2016 by admin

Article complémentaire – Tennis Elbow

Vous pouvez télécharger un article complémentaire sur l’épicondylite ici.  L’étude est très similaire à celle décrite dans l’article que nous avons vu ensemble, mais vous donne plus de détails sur les outils de mesure, notamment l’échelle de Nirschl.